Have your Registered Office changed
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The registered office is an official address where a company is incorporated or registered. All the official communications made to the company are addressed to the registered office which is also displayed in the master data of the company. The registered office of the Company will also determine the domicile of the company (State of Incorporation). The state or location in which the registered office of the Company is situated will determine the Registrar of Company (ROC)to which the application for company registration must be made. In case of any change in address, it must be updated with MCA, although the office is changed within the same city. Companies Act prescribes a specified process to be followed to change the address. The process of registered office change depends on where the office is shifted to i.e. within the city, within the jurisdiction of RoC, or to other states. In all cases, consent from shareholders and the approval from concerned RoC is compulsory.
Registered office of a company is the principal place of the business activity of a company. It is mandatory for all companies to have their registered office and to inform the Registrar of Companies (ROC) about the location and any change thereto within the prescribed time.
Registered office of a Company can be shifted from city to another city in the same state. Before shifting in new city board call a director meeting and pass resolution and approve the shifting of registered office from one city to a new city.
Registered office of a Company can be shifted from city to another city in the same state. An application seeking confirmation from the Regional Director for shifting the registered office from the jurisdiction of one registrar to the jurisdiction of another registrar within the same state shall be filed by the company with the Regional Director.
When a company wants to shift his registered office from state to other the following procedures are required. Take approval from the central government and file application to Regional Director for final approval.
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Our Startup India will help you obtain basic Information & documents and draft necessary resolutions and documents.
Our Startup India will help you prepare application to update business address and send it to MCA for approval.
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