Get registered under professional tax

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Professional Tax is a tax collected by State Governments from the professionally occupied business entities. A person earning income from salary or professions such as Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Lawyers, etc. is required to pay professional tax. For the purpose of this registration, the employers, professionals, traders, etc. come under the purview of registration.
This tax is deducted from the salary of the employer, which is later eligible for deduction from the computation of taxable income. The registration is obtained by the employers and business owners with the respect to Municipal Corporation. Being it State-based registration, the rate of tax and method of registration is different. Further, there are two types of registrations being – PTEC and PTRC registrations.
Helps you in keeping your company actively running and legally compliant with state laws.
Employers and employees are secured from heavy penalties.
The taxes deducted as per the state government are nominal and they are structured according to a salary range, hence the burden on taxpayers is nominal.
Deductions can be claimed in the salary on the basis of the professional tax paid. The deductions will be allowed in the year corresponding to which the taxpayer made the payments.
At Our Startup India, we offer a range of packages to suit your needs. Start by selecting the appropriate one, fill out the required forms, or simply speak to our experts online for assistance.
Ourstartup India professionals will collect the basic information and required documents for the initiation of the process.
Ourstartup India professionals will prepare the application and will register it with the concerned authorities.
Within a few days, Ourstartup India professionals will acknowledge you as the submission gets completed and after 10-15 days, we will provide you with the Registration Certificate.
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