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Different Types of Legal Notice in India

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By reading this blog, you may find out what each legal notice draught format is intended for and discover the parameters of legal notification.

In India, there are four different sorts of legal notice draughts: public notice, implied notice, actual notice, and constructive notice.

A formal written communication is conveyed through notice writing. A notice’s main function is to inform a group of people about a specific event or set of conduct guidelines. To reach their intended audience, notices are frequently posted online or nailed to walls in public places.

In many schools where notice writing is frequently included in students’ board question papers and class assessments, notice writing is also taught in the classroom and students are graded based on their notice writing abilities.

Despite its straightforward layout, many students struggle to write excellent notification formats. This occurs because there is some misunderstanding of the fundamental principles of notice writing. Notices, as opposed to essays, paragraphs, and reports, are intended for a specific audience who are somehow involved with the context of the announcement.

We want to draw your attention to the four various notice format types in this blog. You will be better able to distinguish between the various notices you encounter moving forward thanks to this. Here, we’ll learn a little more about these four categories.

Four Regular Legal Notice Types

Observations might be categorised according to why they were issued. Each category uses a unique format for notices. The author must be aware of all the actions required to support the meaning of any notification. Each notice format also requires a separate strategy.

In actual practise, we mostly observe four common notice types. These include the formats for formal public notice, implied notice, actual notice, and constructive notice. Only the first two kinds are covered in the curriculum for ICSE and CBSE Boards. Currently, some state boards are starting to adopt the practise of including genuine notices. We’ll learn why each of these notices was created in this essay.

  • Public Notice

Public notice is the first of the bunch. The goal of this notice type is obvious from the name alone. The general public is given public notices regarding specific legal Notice draught processes. This kind of message is something that people see pretty frequently. In addition to the jurisdiction, any organisation or authority that publishes a notice addressing a specific group or society also falls under this category. For this form of circulation, the general public is expected to provide feedback.

Additionally, any information about social activities or gatherings is disseminated via public notice. These alerts are widely disseminated thanks in large part to the media. Either the internet, newspapers, or television are used for this.

Consider the scenario where the municipal corporation in your neighbourhood has temporarily stopped the water supply because maintenance needs to be done. The council publishes an official notification in newspapers in that situation. As a result, we encounter a type of public notice.

  • Implied Notice

An Implied Notice is the second item on this list. This type specifically uses a notice format that demands swift response. These formal communications are addressed to everyone, regardless of group or position. Written notices are implied for everyone who will read the official document. These notices state a legal position or a fact that everyone must unquestionably agree with.

For instance, if a person leases a flat and has already paid for it, even if he discovers during his stay that the kitchen taps are not working correctly, he cannot hold the owner liable for cleaning up that trash. This is so that the tenant can obtain an implied notice that specifically mentions the plumbing problems with the flat, as required by law.

  • Actual Notice

A real notice is the third one. This type of notice communicates a legal position through the form of communication. Through this type of notice format, rules established by law or general legal instructions that must be followed in a specific location are stated. Both organisations and individuals are intended for use with these legal Notice sample draughts. The use of actual notices is found in legal processes. Therefore, this notice format’s application is restricted.

For instance, government representatives may write this notification to inform a person that he would be honoured for his volunteer efforts in the community. Since occurrences of this kind are very infrequent, we seldom ever come across actual notices.

  • Constructive Notice

Conscious notice is the last option. This suggests that a person employed by an organisation needs to be familiar with its operating policies. Even if they may not have any direct participation with the event, the warning is sent to a corporation holding it accountable for action as well as the members. As a result, a legal announcement is a form of constructive notice.

Queries Addressed in Notice Body

The body of the notice is its most important component. Since the normal word count according to standard format is 40–50, it shouldn’t include needless, extensive descriptions of occurrences. However, a few ambiguities must be fully answered by the facts provided in the notice. It must specify the particular message the notice is attempting to convey. It might be anything on the agenda, both present and past. The notification is then supposed to include details about the location of the event, gathering, seminar, etc.

It then instantly turns its attention to the moment of the incident. By the end of its body, the notice identifies who is thought to be the target audience. Finally, a communication channel is offered for more details about the subject. These are often the contact information for authorised individuals who stand in for the issuing authority and issue the notice.


We have covered the intent of the legal Notice draught in this essay. Their methods are different for everyone of them. Therefore, it is preferable to evaluate their structure using relevant examples. I’ll give you an example to help you understand.

The students must practise the implied notification format in addition to this format for public notice. These two kinds of questions are frequently found in test questions for the CBSE and ICSRE boards. Therefore, we sincerely hope that the discussion above has answered all of your questions about the various types of notification writing.

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