Business Plan: Earning lakhs with onion.. This business idea is excellent
Business Idea: Those who want to do business seriously.. Whatever they do, the percentage of success will be high. Such people will like this business idea very much. how to do how about Let’s know the complete details

Most people in Mumbai don’t buy onions every day. At one time, enough onions are cut for three days. Put in the fridge. Do you know why? They don’t have enough time to cut onions every day. This is the situation in many places now. In foreign countries… onion is less used. Onion powder is used there. That is the business. You can earn lakhs of rupees by making onion powder.

Onions are not well priced in the country. Farmers are not getting affordable price. This is when you can start this business. You can buy onions at a low price directly from the farmers. As a result they can give you affordable price and you also get cheap onion. With this onion you can fry onion and powder onion.

In our country every year 20 to 25 percent of onion rots or remains. Consuming rotten or stored onions in food can have serious effects on the body. Health can be affected.

If the water is removed from the onion, it will not spoil. It also comes at a good price. That business is onion powder manufacturing business.

Currently onion is used more for ready to eat food like pizza, salad, poha. They can use onion powder. People in India are less aware of this. Hence this business is not known to many people. If you start.. you won’t have much competition.

There is a huge demand for onion powder abroad. Onion powder can also be added to enhance the taste of vegetables. Fresh onions can be used though.. they should be of good quality, if the price is high then it will be a problem.

The price of this onion fluctuates a lot. Sometimes we pay too high a price. There are days when a kg exceeds Rs.60. Sometimes they throw it on the road when they don’t get a reasonable price. You can solve this problem to some extent.

To make onion powder, you must first peel and clean the onion. Cut it into pieces and then you dry it in a solar powered sundryer or electric powered dryer for mass production. This removes all the water from the onion.

This way the onion will not spoil for long after the moisture has completely evaporated. If you want you can sell this dehydrated onion packed in air tight packing. There is a high demand for this type of product especially in Europe and America. So you can export.

You can dry dehydrated onion by grinding it in a grinder. You can sell this powder in packs of 100 grams to 250 grams. So you can tie up with a food chain restaurant or even a hotel.

You need a total space of 600 square feet to start an onion powder business. You can divide it into 3 parts. One can house the raw material, the other can house the dehydrator machine, grinder. In the third, the final product can be placed.

The total cost for the machinery may be Rs.3-4 lakhs. 1 lakh for raw material, working capital will be Rs.1 lakh to 1.5 lakh. You can start this business with a total of Rs.6 lakhs. Khadi, you can get financial help through Village Industries Commission.

Dehydrating something increases its nutritional value. One kg of dried onion is equivalent to 8 kg of regular onions. That means you get the flavor and aroma even with less use.

Countries like Russia, Germany, France, UK import dehydrated onion from India. Consumption of dehydrated onion in India is very low due to lack of awareness. You can expand the business by creating awareness.” width=”888″ height=”590″ /> Finally countries like Russia, Germany, France, UK import dehydrated onion from India. Due to lack of awareness the consumption of dehydrated onion in India is very low. You create awareness. Business can be expanded.