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BC Sakhi Yojana Registration

BC Sakhi Yojana Registration

The BC Sakhi Yojana is a government program aimed at financial inclusion of girl child. It provides women with a formal savings account, which helps them save money for their future needs such as education or marriage.

BC Sakhi Yojana helps in the financial inclusion of the girl child.

BC Sakhi Yojana is a financial inclusion project implemented by SBI Life Insurance Company Limited. It aims to introduce banking services to the girl child, by way of reducing the costs associated with financial transactions and product usage for them. The scheme was launched in January 2018 and it has been extended up until 2020 with an aim of reaching 20 million girls under 18 years old across India by 2020-2021

The project is implemented by SBI Life Insurance Company Limited, and its objective is to introduce banking services to the girl child, by way of reducing the cost of financial services for them.

The project is implemented by SBI Life Insurance Company Limited, and its objective is to introduce banking services to the girl child, by way of reducing the cost of financial services for them.

It has been decided that no girl child would be left out of this scheme and all eligible candidates will receive a scholarship amounting Rs 1 lakh per year for five years from their school or college.

It provides women with a formal savings account, which helps them save money for their future needs such as education or marriage.

The SAKHI Yojana is a government plan that provides women with a formal savings account. The government has made it mandatory for all banks to open these accounts for their female customers, who can use this money to save for education or marriage.

The SAKHI Yojana helps women save money for the future by providing them with an account in which they can deposit their salary or other income into. This way, you know where your hard-earned money is going and what needs it’ll fulfill after retirement!

By opening a saving bank account in a post office branch, you will be entitled to a welcome saving scheme of Rs.1000 per month (nominal value) at no additional cost.

If you have not opened a saving bank account in the post office branch, you can open one now. By opening a saving bank account in a post office branch, you will be entitled to a welcome saving scheme of Rs.1000 per month (nominal value) at no additional cost.

If your monthly income is less than Rs.20 lakhs then it would be advisable that you also take advantage of other government schemes such as BPL card or pension schemes which may help reduce your dependence on financial institutions like HDFC Bank or SBI Capital Markets etc.,

You can get your children through this program

The SSS (Central Scheme) is the primary source of income for most people in India. It provides for monthly pensions, medical benefits and other social security benefits to eligible members.

The BPL (Below Poverty Line) category applies only to those below poverty line but not below 50% of median household consumption expenditure.


BC Sakhi Yojana is the best way to get your children through this program as it has a huge number of benefits. Through this program, you will be able to save money for their future needs such as education or marriage. You can also get a formal savings account which helps them save money for their future needs

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