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The Mistakes Young Entrepreneurs make

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The mistakes young entrepreneurs make

How young entrepreneurs are forming?

In this period, the source of income is not enough and unemployment is also increasing, so starting new businesses by young entrepreneurs is an on-growing trend as a means of employment. Though a high number of young entrepreneurs are taking a huge risk and going out in the world individually, we see a lot of businesses started by young entrepreneurs are winding up soon.

This flood of young entrepreneurs can lead to a lot of poor decision-making by those young people. Their lack of experience, mixed with blind eagerness will result in inefficiency and costly mistakes. They can still avoid more mistakes by learning more effectively.

What are the common mistakes young entrepreneurs make?

Just because you are a young entrepreneur, it doesn’t mean you have to make inexperience-related mistakes. Also, you will make some common mistakes. By this guide, you will know and avoid that so your business will succeed.

Choosing a Bad Name:

For a new entry business, first impressions are extremely important. The potential customers may eager to know the business name first before knowing anything else. The choice of selecting a good name for your business reflects what your idea business to the customers. The key factors are, the name should be catchy and the idea of your type of business. Mainly, the people should get to know easily, remember the name of your business.

Bad Location:

Where your business is located is also an essential key factor. Because for the startup business, you need all the new customers you can get. So don’t make it hard for them to find your business. Or else they won’t consider and will go to an already known business. It is also an important factor to fix your business where people can easily know the place.

Imitating Other Businesses:

As a startup business, you should distinguish your business from its competitors. Being unique in your business will get it to the next level. You should not copy the existing ideas and plans though they are already popular. Show your potential customers that you are different from the rest and why it would be the better choice to do business with you other than businesses.

Doing Market Research:

Nowadays young entrepreneurs are underestimating the power of researching the market before starting on an investment. What you are thinking is different from the actual truth. First, check that there is demand for the product within the particular area. Then make questionnaires with the local people to find the need of the product. Moreover, this is an easy and inexpensive way of assessing demand.


Let think, you have your business idea, you thought of it alone, and you are with your startup capital ready. Now don’t let all of this get to your head. Especially, when someone who has more experience than you in this platform wants to give you advice on how to go about things, listen to them. Your arrogance might also lead you to the worst thing while starting up which is “burning bridges”. Every new business needs as many connections as possible for it to survive longer.


For an upcoming business, you should keep the investment as low as possible. There is no need to be exaggerated with decorating your office space. Like, if you have a fountain in the middle of your reception area, no one really cares about it. You need to confirm that you have enough working capital to keep it afloat while you build it from the ground level.

Quitting your job too early:

If you have a day job and are considering venturing alone into the business world, don’t quit. First set up your business and let it be stable before you completely cut off your main source of income. The last thing a startup need is an owner will consider it out profitably every time they earn it. At this time, you should place a trustworthy person on behalf of your place.

Choosing Target Market:

A target market means aiming a product at a particular group of consumers. Not everyone is going to like your product, so as you start your marketing campaign, make sure you have your target market then aim for them. Clearly, we are not saying that you should be narrow-minded. Then feel free to explore a new target market if it might broaden the business but always remember who brings in the money.

Excessive work Delegation:

A Startup business demands a lot of hard work put into it and all the work has to be efficient. Don’t get into the habit of giving your work to the subordinates. Do more work and show them the level of dedication you did and you except. If you have done it efficiently, you will get goodwill from the subordinates as well as from the customers. From this also you can increase your range of business.

Being the Single Founder:

As a young entrepreneur, you want your startup to make it big, and you want your name solely attached as an attribute to the business’ success. But the crucial truth is that most startups make it into the market as established companies are mostly not solely owned.

The main reason behind this logic is that you will always need a second opinion. Don’t make the mistake of being ungenerous with ownership share. Find partners, and treat them as such. Because like we said previously, being a young entrepreneur, you are new to the business. That’s why you can never be right all the time.


Information is power. Knowing the ordinary mistakes entrepreneurs make as they venture into the business will help you avoid the mistakes. You will also experience other mistakes as you move on in this field. But what you do about them is what matters most and the reality is that not everyone has the drive to really see it through. Know the cause of the mistake and change it accordingly. Plan before and set actual goals and rest assured of few and rest assured of your successful business.

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